Self-Driving Cars and Their Manufacturers Smart Driving School in Lagos Nigeria

Top 10 Self-Driving Cars and Their Manufacturers

In case you are excited to learn how to avoid the stress of driving your cars, this article would look at the top 10 Self-Driving Cars in the world and their manufacturers who have put in hard works to make things possible.

Some people might be wowed at the mention of this topic. Do you mean “self-drive cars”? Yes! Of course, we have self-driven cars around the world today, and some of them have been developed as far back as 2013.

First, let’s get an insight into the topic under discussion:


What is a Self-Driving Car?

A self-driving car can be referred to as a smart car; one that does not need a driver to navigate the busy road traffic, and to operate itself. Therefore, a Self-Driven car can travel from one point to another without the assistance or control of a human driver.


How does a Self-Driven Car work?

A self-driven Car operates on software, artificial intelligence (AI), sensors, machine learning, and very powerful processors.

These intelligent Cars have variety of programable sensors installed on them to help them perceive their immediate surroundings very well. This is possible because they can operate well without accidents.


Some of these Car Sensors includes:

  1. Video Cameras: These cameras help them to read road signs, traffic lights, track other vehicles positions, and detect pedestrians.
  2. Ultrasonic Sensors: These sensors are installed in the wheels, and they help these Self-Driving Cars detect other vehicles while parking. That is, they aid these vehicles avoid oncoming traffic.
  3. Radar Sensors: These sensors aid monitoring of the position of the vehicle.
  4. Lidar Sensor: This is a light detection and ranging sensor that reflects light around the car to help it detect road edges, identify lane markings and measure distances.
  5. Sophisticated Software: This software processes all other sensory input and send it into the car brain box, helping it control its brake, steering, and acceleration. It also helps it to navigate obstacles and follow traffic rules.

Now that we’ve gotten insight into what a Self-Driven car is, let us proceed to learn more about the latest best Self-Driving Cars we have seen around the world.


Top 10 Self-Driving Cars and Their Manufacturers


#1. Waymo: –

Manufactured by Google in partnership with the Toyota Prius. Waymo was first developed in 2009 when Google started its Self-Driving Car project using a modified Toyota Prius Car and thereafter it was deployed in the streets of Nevada.

Google is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet products and services, such as search engine development, online advertising technologies, cloud computing, software development, and integrated hardware systems.

By in 2015, Google puts out the world’s 1st fully Self-driven car on the roads. The Car was named Waymo, and it ran on electricity without a steering wheel or a brake pedal. As we speak, Waymo has two Self-driven vehicles to its name. One is a Self-driven Taxi Car used on the roads of Phoenix, and the other is a Self-driven Heavy trucking service. Today, google has an idea that could let self-driving cars talk to pedestrians,


#2. Cruise: –

Cruise is a self-driven car made by an American Automobile Company – General Motors. This Car company has one of the highest numbers of Self-driving Cars in the market today; with about 180 vehicles which are been tested. The General Motors Cruise is a very good competitor of the Google Waymo earlier mentioned.


#3. Zoox: –

Zoox is another Self-driven Car that derived its name from its manufacturer’s – ZOOX. It was founded and started in the year 2014 in Australia. This automobile machine uses artificial intelligence, robotic designs and runs fully on electricity. So, it appears that most self-driving cars also are electric vehicles.

An outstanding feature about the Zoox is that; it can move at right angles without having to turn. Also, it has no steering wheel; meaning that its two front seats inside the vehicle facing each other for passengers’ convenience.

The Zoox Company is aiming to take its self-driving technology into Taxis to make it easier for travelers. Nevertheless, the world most popular e-commerce platform: Amazon acquired Zoox in July 2020, for a whooping sum of $1.3 billion dollars.


#4. –

Manufactured by the self-driven Car Company called PONY.AI. The company is one of the pioneers of self-driven cars technology. They promise to take the technology to higher limits by developing autonomous self-driven smart vehicles. promised that their vehicles would be reliable, safe, and cost-effective.


#5. Voyage: –

This is another Self-driving car deriving its name from its manufacturers. However, unlike most Self-driven car companies, they aim at bringing their technology for the benefit of the senior and retirement communities.

The car company believes that the elder ones are slow users of the road, and that the rest of the younger ones are more active drivers. Thus, their objective is to get these communities of retired ones to their destination efficiently, safely, affordably, and of course, in time like the younger community would do.


#6. Tesla: –

The Company is founded by the popular Elon Musk, and it is one of the most popular Self-driven electric car companies in the world. Tesla uses an advanced driver-assistance system that has features such as traffic awareness, self-parking, lane centering, navigation, etc.

All a person needs to do with a Tesla car is to get into the car and mention where you want to go. And even if you don’t, the smart car takes you home, or it checks your already prepared daily schedule and takes you where you ought to be at that time.

Not only this, this car also obeys all traffic signs on the road, and when you do get to your destination, it waits for you to come out, and then it finds an appropriate spot and parks itself. Also, you can always summon your car from a parking space with just the tap of a button on the remote-control key.


#7. Honda: –

Founded by the well-known Honda vehicle company. The manufacturing project started in 2018, in partnership with General Motors.

However, in 2020, General Motors backed out to do their rechargeable battery and electric vehicles. Thus, Honda continued, and introduced its Semi-autonomous Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) which offers features such as Automatic brakes, Lane-keeping, and Cruise control.


#8. Nuro: –

Founded by experts in the robotics and artificial intelligence industry known as NURO, Nuro self-driven car company wants to revolutionize E-commerce through driverless deliveries.

Nuro company runs a fleet of self-driving vehicles that makes door-to-door delivery of all kinds of items possible; starting from food stuffs, medicines, clothes, documents, etc. it started the deliveries in 2018 and was very proactive during the 2020 pandemic as they had more deliveries to make.


#9. Nissan: –

Manufactured by the popular Japanese Motor company called Nissan, this the self-driven vehicle was first introduced in 2016 as Pro-Pilot. Today, Nissan has a fleet of these driving vehicles.

Recently, the new ProPilot2.0 was introduced with 3D mapping navigation. It also comes with advanced sensors and cameras that have facial recognition features.


#10. BMW: –

Founded by Munich, Germany automobile giants; BMW. The BMW-iNext is their recent production, an artificial intelligence self-driven car with similar qualities as those mentioned above. It has lane centering, roads navigating sensors, etc.


Wrapping up: On Top 10 Self-Driving Cars and Their Manufacturers

In the 21st century which we live in now, we expect technology to continue to become more and more advance with each passing year. With that in mind, we are not surprised to have self-driving cars today and in time to come.

If you have passion for automobile innovation and wants to reduce the cost or hiring a driver or the stress of driving your own car, you can be sure that humans may not have any need to drive their cars in years to come.


SmartDrive provides online and offline safe and defensive driving training in Nigeria.

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