Important Keys to Safe Driving

4 Important Keys to Safe Driving

As you prepare to get your Nigerian drivers license, this post will show you the place of ‘Vision’ as one of the four important keys to safe driving. Before you can start your in-car driving exercises, you must examine your knowledge skills, your hearing ability and be able demonstrate that your eyesight is good enough to help you drive safely.

Driving is one of the most complex things that people do that usually looks simple. And it is not always easy to be a safe user of the roadway. Driving is also one of the few things people do regularly that can injure or kill us. Being a safe driver takes a lot of skill, experience, responsibility and judgment.

A good driver must be at alert in order to foresee danger ahead and make allowances for the mistakes of others.  If you are planning of becoming a licensed safe and hazards free driver, then here are four (4) important keys to safe driving you must know.



Vision is so important to safe driving.

It is required that you pass a vision screening and clinical evaluation before you get a new driver’s license, or when you want to renew your existing license.

These screening exercises are to make sure you have at least 20/40 vision capability in at least one eye; and can drive with or without corrective lenses.


Other important aspects of vision are:

Side Vision

You need to see “out the corner of your eye.” This lets you spot vehicles and other potential trouble on either side while you look ahead.

Because you cannot focus on things to the side, you also must use your side mirrors and glance to the side when necessary.


Night Vision

Many people who can see clearly in the daytime have trouble seeing at night. Most people have problem seeing at night than in the daytime, but some drivers have problem with glare while driving at night, especially the glare of oncoming head­lights.

If you have problem seeing at night, do not drive more than is necessary, and when you do, be very careful. This is usually advised for long distance night drivers; because it is so important to safe driving that you see well.

As good driver, you should have your eyes checked every year by qualified doctors. This is because you may never know you have poor vision unless your eyes are tested.

If you need to wear glasses or contact lenses for driving, remember to always wear them when you drive, even if you are only going a short distance.

Try to keep an extra pair of glasses in your vehicle always. And don’t wear dark glasses or tented contact lenses at night, even if it will help with the glare.


Judging Distance and Speed

Even if you can see clearly, you still may not be able to judge distances or speeds very well. Experts have also opined that children cannot judge how fast a vehicle is moving. So we need to be careful while driving on street roads or near school areas.

In fact, many people have problems judging distances and speeds. It takes a lot of practice to be able to judge both. As a professional driver that you would definitely be, it is therefore especially important to know and judge how far you are from other vehicles and road users.

To ensure your safety and that of other, learn how to help children and other pedestrians walk or cross the roads.



Hearing can be helpful to safe driving. In fact, the sound of horns or the screeching of vehicular tires can warn you of danger.

Therefore, do not drive with loud stereo, headphones or earphones that cover or go in both ears. They make it too hard to hear emergency horns or sirens too.

Even drivers who know they have hearing problems can adjust and be safe drivers. What to do mostly? You can learn to rely more on your vision and stay alert while driving.



Don’t skip the prescribed theory and practical driving knowledge test.  Because we understand the importance of safe use of the roads, this guide is exclusive to our learner drivers.

The driver knowledge test is also one of the four important keys to safe driving you must know. It shows how well you understand road signs, traffic laws, and safe-driving practices.

Everything you must know to pass the knowledge test is in this driving theory course and other reference materials made available by AB Drives.



The driving test id designed to show how well you can control the motor vehicles. Before you start the driving test, make sure you inspect and follow the vehicle’s safety procedures.

Your safety equipment checks include the seat belts, head lights, turn signals, horn, vehicle brake, brake lights, tires and windshield wipers.

The Nigerian vehicle registration laws require that both your vehicle number plates to be affixed at the appropriate spaces at the front and rear of the vehicle. Again, before you start a driving test, ensure you are under the supervision of the examiner.

During the test, your examiner will sit in the front seat with you; give you directions and score your driving ability after the test. If you did not pass the test, the examiner will explain when and how you may get ready to take the test again.

Please contact your driver training instructor (DTI) or examiner for more information on how to prepare for your driving test.


Wrapping up: 4 Important Keys to Safe Driving

Now you have it: the 4 Important Keys to Safe Driving experience. No matter the stage of your driving training, endeavor to follow due process and don’t be in haste. Your safety is our concern!


SmartDrive provides online and offline safe and defensive driving training in Nigeria.

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