Categories of Road Users

10 Categories of Road Users You Must Know

Here we’re going to discuss different categories of road users that you would definitely meet as a driver or rider. So far, we have learned some basic terms about the Nigeria driving license; how to get your driver’s license, the learners permit, and the important keys to safe driving.

Having good knowledge of the roads or road conditions is another important safety guide. And there are various users of the roads that you must know and understand their characters too.


The 10 Different Categories of Road Users include:

  1. The Motorist,
  2. Passengers,
  3. Pedestrian,
  4. Cyclists,
  5. Motor Tricyclists,
  6. The School Children,
  7. The Physically Challenged Persons,
  8. Hawkers,
  9. Traders, and
  10. The Animals


Now let’s take closer look at these road users. Your understudying of the various road users will help you become more aware of the behaviors to expect while on the road as a driver or rider.


#1. The Motorist

A motorist is a person who drives a car, a truck, or a bus, usually on a public highway. This class of road users is usually enclosed in motor vehicles; hence, they always feel protected and immured from accidents.

However, the driver of a vehicle has only the protection guaranteed by his/her strict obedience to traffic rules. The best protection inside the vehicle is the use of your seat belts.

Don’t allow it to happen first, when it does, your air bag may help reduce the level of impacts or injuries; but not all your passengers are privileged of the air bag, even when they’re available.


#2. The Passengers

A passenger is a person who travels in a vehicle but bears little or no responsibility for the tasks required for that vehicle to arrive at its destination safely.

Therefore; drivers hold not only their lives in liability; but also that of the onboard passengers in their own hands. So they are expected to drive carefully and encourage passengers to wear their seats belts.

A comprehensive insurance policy should be purchased to cover for both vehicle and passengers in the event of injuries or death occurring from road crashes.

General advice: – Drivers should also keep their vehicles in good working condition, avoid passengers overloading; and ensure that their passengers fill the travel manifest before embarking on a journey.


#3. The Pedestrians

A pedestrian is a person who is walking on the road, especially in the area also used by motorized vehicles.

Generally, there are three types of pedestrians mostly involved in road traffic accidents and they are stated below.

3 Types Pedestrians

  1. The children,
  2. The elderly persons and
  3. The adults under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


General advice: – All drivers are advised to always give way for other road users, especially the pedestrians. Remember to slows down while approaching built-up areas as this is expected by law.

Also, pedestrians are advised to use the suitable pavements, foot paths, foot bridges, pedestrian crossing and also apply caution while walking or crossing busy roads.


#4. The Cyclists

Cycling has become more popular in recent years, especially at the back of the success of Sports Olympics.

A cyclist is a person who rides a Bicycle, Motorcycle, or Tricycle.

Whether it’s for work, school or pleasure, cycling can help you keep fit and keep to time against traffic. Riding a bicycle is convenient, economical, and environmentally friendly.

With millions of people now choosing to cycle, safety is an increasingly important issue.

This is because Cyclists are:

  • More exposed (as compared to motorists),
  • They less stable,
  • Small in size and
  • More likely to involved in a road crash than normal drivers.


If you plan to ride a power bike or any other form of motorcycles then you have to learn how to do that. The AB Drives Bikeability Scheme is a training package designed to help people learn, pass and ride safely and confidently on today’s aggressive roads.


#5. The School Children

Encouraging children and teenager to walk to school is a good idea. However, it’s important that children and teenagers use the road safely.

Research have shown that young children can’t judge how fast vehicles are coming or how far away they are; that teenagers are easily distracted on the roads, especially when they’re with a group of friends.

The below following distractions are major causes of accidents among teenage pedestrians.

8 Distractions of Teenage Pedestrians:

  1. Talking to friends.
  2. Playing on the road.
  3. Listening to music.
  4. Reading while on the road.
  5. Making mobile phone calls.
  6. Text messaging (Charting!).
  7. Playing mobile phone games.
  8. Looking at vehicle drives and other road users.


General advice: – Parents are often best placed to help their children learn how to stay safe while on foots. But all of us should pay attention to the rules of the road, especially when walking, crossing or driving.

Campaigns such as the Road Crossing Code for School Children; and the Street Smart Traffic / Road Safety Programs can help educate school children and other road users about safe behaviors while on the highways.

Drivers and Cyclists are urged to be careful near schools, churches, mosques, markets; snack shops, or packs because children are more likely to be fund in such areas.

More so, while driving or riding, always check for the school crossing signs. These would serve as caution.


#6. Persons with Physical Disabilities

The physically challenged persons are part of the society and they also entitled to the same privileges while using the road.

However, they are not exempted from traffic rules, regulation and considerations.

Therefore; the walkways, road sings, road crossings and other services should be designed to suit their conditions.

As good drivers and cyclists, always check for disability signs on the road or near particular facilities like the hospitals.


#7. Hawkers

Other important road users we must consider include the hawkers and street traders. This group of people sells goods and services along the streets, either from small shops, vans or with their goods laid out on the pavement.

Hawkers sell are those people we see on city roads carrying inexpensive goods, handicrafts, or food items on their heads.

While driving or riding, always be careful of these particular road users. Whether stationary or mobile, they often advertise their goods with loud street cries, and can run to conduct banter with customers or to attract attention and sales.


#8. Animals

Take special care near animal crossing warning signs or signs warning near zoo or forest areas. ·

While driving across on road s close to these areas, minimize your distractions from passengers, and scan the roads ahead of you.

Looking ahead on time provides enough for reaction time if an animal is spotted on the road.

General advice: – To avoid animal-related collisions, light up your headlamp at night and watch for glowing eyes.

When you see and animal crossing or near the road, do not panic; and swerving is not the best option either.

Just slow down as much as possible if the animal is approaching and steer your vehicle towards the other outer edge of the roadway. Remember to signal other coming vehicles too.


Wrapping up: Categories of Road Users you must know

Now you know the different categories of road users to watch out for as a driver or rider. You may take the time and review this post to take note of their characteristics and behaviors while on the road.

This will help you reduce chances of road accidents or crashes involving you and other road users like the pedestrians, the school children, the physically challenged persons, street hawkers, and animals.

We hope you would become a better driver at the end of this lesson.


SmartDrive provides online and offline safe and defensive driving training in Nigeria.

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